Sunday, January 18, 2009

Patriotism Quotes

Patriotism Quotes and sayings

I will fight for my country, but I will not lie for her.
~Zora Neale Hurston

The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history.
~Woodrow Wilson

When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.
~Sir Winston Churchill

If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. ~Hamilton Fish

Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched. ~Guy de Maupassant

Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first. ~Charles de Gaulle

Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarrelled with him? ~Blaise Pascal

It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind. ~Voltaire

Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.
~Bertrand Russell

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
~Samuel Johnson

Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.
~George Jean Nathan

When a whole nation is roaring Patriotism at the top of its voice, I am fain to explore the cleanness of its hands and purity of its heart.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.
~Adlai E. Stevenson

You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.
~Malcolm X

Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.
~Calvin Coolidge

Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.
~John Adams

Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.
~Guy de Maupassant

The single best augury is to fight for one's country.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
~Albert Einstein

It is not unseemly for a man to die fighting in defense of his country.

Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on his own dunghill.
~Richard Aldington

You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.
~George Bernard Shaw

It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.
~George Bernard Shaw

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
~Nathan Hale

Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own. ~Seneca

I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth, and I am a citizen of the world.
~Eugene V. Debs

He loves his country best who strives to make it best.
~Robert G. Ingersoll

I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.

If you are ashamed to stand by your colors, you had better seek another flag. ~Author Unknown

And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
~John F. Kennedy

The proper means of increasing the love we bear our native country is to reside some time in a foreign one.
~William Shenstone
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